Islam WebQuest
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Islam And Its Place
In World History

Introduction/ Task/ Process/ Resources/ Scavenger Hunt/ Evaluation/ Conclusion


Religions can often have a major impact on the history of our world.  One of these religions that has and continues to play an important part in the history of the world is Islam.  Islam is a religion that is growing at a fast pace through out the world, but it is also one that we are very ignorant about.  This quest will help you understand and learn more about the religion of Islam.

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You and a partner will use the resources listed below to learn more about Islam.  You will need to complete a scavenger hunt and produce a brochure on the religion Islam.

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You and your partner will need to complete the following:


Using the resources below complete the Islam Scavenger hunt.


Using information found in your scavenger hunt produce a pamphlet or brochure on Islam that has the following:



a catchy title with illustrations, pictures or quotes

Page #1

an outline or table of contents for brochure (include illustrations)

Page #2

an explanation of the origins and history of Islam (include a small illustration)

Page #3

an explanation of their beliefs (more than just the 5 Pillars)

Page #4

a Christian response to Islam (What did they feel was wrong with it?)


a Bibliography or work cited (include all the web sites you visited)


You will need to complete your scavenger hunt first before you begin to work on your tract or brochure. You will also need to make sure that you have an organized layout of how you want your pamphlet or brochure to look like before you begin the final product.

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Islam FAQ

Western Religions, Islam


A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam Home

Islamic History from 570 to 1000


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Scavenger Hunt

Answer the following questions.  After you have answered the questions hand a hard copy of your answers into your teacher or E-mail to me at [email protected].  These answers will be useful in helping you produce your brochure, so keep a hard copy or notes of your answers.



What do the words Islam and Muslim mean?


Where did Islam begin?


Who is said to have started Islam?


What did he do for work and what type of man was he? 


What is the name of the god of Islam?  Is he the same God Christians believe in?


What is the holy city of Islam?  Why is it holy?


Name some of the official books of Islam.


Explain why the leader of Islam fled to Medina in 622A.D.?


What is the shahada?  Write it out.


List and briefly explain the 5 Pillars of Islam.


How do Muslims feel about Jesus Christ?  Do they believe in him?


Who do Muslims look to as being their link to the Jews and Judaism?


Make a list of 2 differences and 2 similarities between Islam and Christianity.


What are the differences between a Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims?


What is the role of women in Islam society?  How are they treated?


Describe the Muslim prayer life?


Name 3 things Muslims cannot do?


What percent of the world is Islam?  What percent of America is Islam?


Why do you think this faith is growing so fast in the world today?


Name at least 3 famous Muslims in the world today?

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This project will be worth 100 points or a test score.


Grading Rubric for Project

Scavenger Hunt

20 points

Correct typing and spelling

10 points

Neat cover page with illustrations, quotes and catchy title

10 points

Perfect word cited page

10 points

A table of contents

10 points

Evidence of a planned layout for brochure

5 points

Use of at least 4 pictures and/or illustrations

5 points

Successfully completing an explanation on origins, beliefs, and Christian response to Islam

30 points


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Islam has had a major impact and still does today in the history of our world.  With your research you should have gained a new understanding of this religion and its place in history.  You should have gained an understanding for this religion from the Christians perspective as well.

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***Last revised 06/11/19 By Mrs Brost***

© Copyright 2004, Mrs. Brost. All Rights Reserved.  Email: [email protected]