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 The "Sputnik" also
means the 'fellow traveler' in Russian. The Sputnik was a series of space
missions that were done by Soviet Union in the late 1950's. It was during
the Cold War that the Soviet's had launched the first Sputnik. There were
five Sputnik's launched on different dates. The first Sputnik was launched
on Oct. 4th, 1957, the second one Nov. 3rd, 1957, the third Feb. 3rd, 1958,
the fourth May 15th, 1960, and the last Aug. 19th, 1960. All Sputnik's were
originally designed to carry nuclear warheads. The first Sputnik was
launched from a desert near Tyuratam in the Kazakh Republic. It was aluminum
22-inch sphere with four spring-loaded whip antennae, weighed 183 pounds and
traveled around the Earth every 96 minutes. It flew over United States seven
times a day. The first and second Sputnik had a role. The first Sputnik also
broadcasted the "beep, beep, beep" that symbolically ushered in the space
age. The second Sputnik, with the dog Laika aboard was not designed to
return to Earth, but the mission did prove that a living creature can
survive the journey into orbit and that lead to a human being making the
trip. The "Chief Designer," Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov was the head Soviet
rocket engineer and designer during the space race between United States and
the Soviet Union in the 1950's-1960's. The United States were shocked with
the launch of the Sputnik. The Sputnik led to creation of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration in United States on Oct. 1st, 1958. |