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In 1945 After World War II East and West Germany became a divided country. Western Germany became a democratic country supported by the U.S., while Eastern Germany was controlled by the communist regime of the Soviet Union. This time in history marked the beginning of the cold war. East Germany was influenced at the time by the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was the largest communist state in the world. People from Eastern Europe kept on escaping to Western Europe. Western Europe was a democratic state, which meant freedom to these people. On August 13, 1961 the Berlin Wall was built to restrict access between East and West Berlin.

The wall was a 103 mile barrier that prevented free access in both directions. It was also heavily guarded which resulted in the deaths of over 200 people trying to escape. The wall divided families, friends, and freedom.

On November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall became the symbol of the end of the Cold War. The Berlin Wall fell due to outside and inside pressure. Mikhail Gorbachev visited West Germany in May of 1989. He implemented policy based on reconstruction of communist rule. Gorbachev said that “Moscow was not going to force satellite states from becoming a democratic government”. Consequently Hungry, Austria, and East German refugees left their homes for democratic nations. Within six months, 220,000 East Germans passed over to West Germany.


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