Mosaic Homework Project


Directions:  Look at the pictures of mosaics on pages 43, 44, and 291.  Read A Closer Look on page 44.  Create a mosaic of either a historical Roman or Byzantine person, an event that happened during the Byzantine era, or a piece of Roman or Byzantine art.  You are welcome to go to the library and look through any book about the Romans and/or Byzantine Empire or you can go to, click on “images”, and type what you are looking for. 

            Your mosaic shouldn’t be any larger than 14” X 14”, and not smaller than 8 ˝” X 11”, anything smaller will receive an automatic zero.  


Possible (but not limited to) Materials you may use in creating your design:


Other Materials:


]]If you are using Elmer’s Glue, DO NOT wait until the night before to glue your materials to your board!  If your mosaic is wet with glue on the day it is due, you will automatically lose ˝ credit!! \\



DUE DATE:_____________________


I will be grading the mosaics based on creativity, neatness, and historical accuracy.


Late Work Will Not Be Accepted!!  This Project Is Worth 75 Points